These 1984 quotes are some of the most famous and ominous from George Orwell’s famous work about a totalitarian government. Nineteen Eighty-Four is one of the most famous works of fiction of all time and has spawned numerous memorable quotes. Some of which have entered have common discourse. These Nineteen Eighty-Four quotes are some of …
This collection of Animal Farm quotes contains some of the most famous lines from one of George Orwell’s best books. Animal Farm is a satire of the Soviet Union and Stalin’s rise to power, mirrored by the rise of the Pig, Napoleon in this work. These quotes from Animal Farm reflect the absurdity of what …
This collection of George Orwell quotes is what you should read if you want to get a quick overview of the famous English writer’s work. Orwell is famous for novels such as Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four, but he also wrote several other books and many more articles. You’ll find many famous George Orwell quotes …