The Rules of Contagion is the best book to read if you want to understand how ideas and viruses spread. Given the Covid-19 pandemic, it’s a phenomenon we could all do with understanding a little better. Contagion is when ideas or a virus rapidly spreads. In the context of a pandemic, it’s when a virus …
This The Future of Humanity summary looks at a book you have to read if you’re fascinated by physics like I am. I’ve always been intrigued by what the future may hold for humanity and whether it will involve us travelling between the stars. I remember watching numerous documentaries when I was a child and …
Stephen Hawking was one of the most important figures of recent times. His death in 2018 was a significant loss to humanity and his insights into science as a whole will be greatly missed. His last book before his death, Brief Answers to the Big Questions, is a short but illuminating look into some of …
I love science. I love the fact that there is so much to learn and that new discoveries lead to more questions, which will lead to more discoveries. If you love science as much as me, then 13 Things That Don’t Make Sense written by the brilliant Michael Brooks is one you should read. The …
The Uninhabitable Earth is one of the starkest books I have read in a long time. It details how climate change could affect the world if warming is not brought under control. It’s a sobering book that does not pull any punches in regard to what happens f we don’t take this threat seriously. In …